Thursday, February 19, 2009

Who Killed John Lennon?

Stephen King, of course, duh. At least according to Steve Lightfoot. On his website, Lightfoot, amateur golfer and professional anti-semite, claims he has rock-solid evidence that proves, without a shadow of a doubt, that famed horror novelist Stephen King pulled the trigger that released the hammer that ignited the gunpowder that forcefully expelled the bullet that killed John Lennon.

I know what you're saying to yourself right now. "Oh my gosh, is this true?!" Look at the picture up there. See? It's pretty fucking obvious. Who else looks like that? Well yeah, Mark David Chapman, but he was the PATSY. Dur.

What? Oh, you want more evidence? Oh, Lightfoot's got plenty more evidence. Check this out:

BOLD PRINT GOVERNMENT CODES! Hidden right in front of our faces! These bold print government codes were in magazines and newspapers mere days before undercover CIA wetwork operative Stephen King carried out his Nixon/Reagan sponsored assassination of John Lennon.

What? Well, yeah they're headlines. Yes, I realize headlines are always printed in bold fonts. And yes, I also realize that headlines are written to grab the reader's attention, but... No, all headlines are not like these. These are GOVERNMENT CODES. Look, I'm not the crazy one here. Just read Stephen King's books, he basically admits to killing Lennon.

See? It's all right there in black and white. Oh, and remember that "guy" in the "van" who "accidentally" ran over Stephen King? HA. You're so gullible, it saddens me. That was ANOTHER UNDERCOVER CIA WETWORK OPERATIVE. How much more obvious can it be?! Seriously, it's all so obvious you have to kind of wonder how the government could be so brazen, sending a celebrity to murder another celebrity and then having the celebrity run over as a warning, all in broad daylight with lots of witnesses. It's weird that nobody besides Steve Lightfoot and me have figured this whole conspiracy out.

Oh, and speaking of the "guy" with the "van", it's pretty convenient that he died soon after, allegedly overdosing on painkillers. HA. Guess what else? He was reported to have died ON STEPHEN KING'S BIRTHDAY. An "accidental" fentanyl overdose on King's birthday... do I have to paint you a picture?!

Stephen King is a murderer folks. Nobody knows how many people he's actually killed. Well, Reagan and Nixon knew. That's why they were assassinated.

Here are some quotes from Mr. Lightfoot's amazing, well-written, eye-opening and 100% true website:
"I'll be candid and tell you all that I onced prayed, before a witness, for God to rain down a monster asteroid to start us all over, we are so poorly made. Six hours later Mohammed Atta flew his jet into the Trade Center Building. Either I am supersensitive to world events or the presense of evil or God did hear part of my prayer."
"I say this not to scare you but to let you know that I saw that monster meteorite in the mid 60's while stargazing one night. Bigger than a mountain and faster than anything, it missed our planet by only a few thousand miles. It was so fast and big that, either I was the only one who saw it, or the government kept it secret so as not to scare us. Nothing man can do to stop such a force. I know how fragile we all are. You don't. I hope your apathy doesn't leave us all open to God's wrath, someday."
"Can't you all see that the media is the government mind controlling you? King was stalking Bruce Stringsteen in 1992; engaging in back stage parties, stage rehearsals etc. until I got on New York's biggest radio talk show and warned Springsteen's friends that King was likely planning to murder him, too."
"Can you see how the government wanted all of you to say; "Jeeze! Remember that guy with the van from California, and now King ends up getting killed by a van? I guess if King DID kill Lennon his karma caught up with him and we can just let it go at that." ?????!!!!! The government is exactly that sophisticated and knows just which buttons of yours to push. If you people want to LET the governmnet kill Stephen King then call me a whacko and do nothing. They probably will. If you want to save his life then help
me expose and arrest him for John Lennon's murder."
"Reagan and Nixon may have had something to do with the fatal plane crash my father died in in 1984. Two weeks prior I received a threat letter, in Stephen King's handwriting, warning me about ""Phases Three"..since you won't cease your investigation.." The F.B.I. wouldn't even look at it."
"You know things are getting bad in America when seemingly lovable comedian Dennis Miller starts calling me, Steve Lightfoot a "Whack job" as he recently did on his new radio show. Now Dennis knows that King is guilty, it's not a matter of that, but he still insisted on perverting his audience with the inference if only to carry water for his team, the Bush gang, Nixon, Reagan et al."

After you read every word of wisdom on, be sure and check out his appearance at the Sarasota City Commission meeting protesting Stephen King's new residence in a nearby county, and for Lennon's sake BUY HIS BOOKLET! It's only $5. Without your money, how is Steve going to continue traveling from California to New York to Maine to Florida and back chasing after Stephen King? He's doing this for YOU, people. For you.


  1. This Lightfoot guy is a GENUIS.
    And...where do you find this stuff anyway??

  2. I found the Sarasota City Commission video on actually. But Stephen King told me that if I linked back to them from this post, he'd kill me.
