Wednesday, February 11, 2009


This is Bubo. Bubo was my friend. We were friends for 10 years. Last saturday night after a fun evening at the bar, Austin Theodore Logan and I were standing on a small table, jumping up and down trying to break said table. We weren't doing a great job breaking the table (it was barely half broken) so M.T.E. (bassist, journalist, man of poor judgement) kicked the table out from under us. We both hit the ground with a satisfying crunch and a shower of beer. After laughing and laughing and laughing some more I checked myself to make sure I hadn't broken anything. Sadly, I had broken something.

I had broken Bubo. With my skull.

It's kind of sad to have lost a dear friend, but he died like a man, losing a headbutt contest. That's the way I want to go. Actually, I almost went that way as well. It hurt like shit, but I don't think anything (on me) broke.

Later, I took revenge on the table, breaking it into kindling and later still, after a great many more beers, Austin Theodore Logan and I followed a cable repairman around the neighborhood at 4am because we were certain he was up to no good. Turns out he was just repairing the cable. I don't think he appreciated our ninja skills. We named him Charlie.

It was A Successful Saturday Night. (hence, ASSNight. I thought it would be clever. It's not.)


  1. What?!? I can't believe he is dead. There were many a days I stared at that damn owl at the kingdom wondering what jackass(es) would spray paint an owl gold...and now he is gone. Joe will be heartbroken. :(

  2. NOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!! Can't he be fixed with glue?! WHY DOES EVERYTHING HAVE TO DIE!!!!

  3. I think it would be mighty disrespectful to glue Bubo's rotting corpse together and display it like some sort of freak show attraction. That's fucking insensitive, dude.
