Tuesday, February 3, 2009


[Photo from the craptastic Austin American-Statesman]

Last night a house exploded about 3 blocks from me. Me and Austin Theodore Logan were knitting on the back porch, I mean drinking on the back porch, when the whole house shook like it had been jumpkicked by the giant mutant skinless bear from Prophecy (no, not the one about angels, the good one). We couldn't hear the explosion or feel a shockwave, so it must have been a huge ground tremor. We had no idea what it was. I checked all through the house to make sure the ceiling hadn't fallen in, then we stood around in the front yard waiting for armageddon or the rapture or something, hugging and crying.
Actually, we weren't hugging or crying. Well, hugging a little maybe. We listened to the sirens for awhile and then I went to Half Price books for some Heinlein. Those fuckers never have Starship Troopers. Oh, speaking of Starship Troopers a house totally exploded last night...
Luckily, the people got out of the house just before it exploded. I hope they didn't have a cat. And that is how I saved my neighborhood from terrorists. I was like John McClane, all pew! pew! pew! Take that, terrorist bear!

[This is the skinless bear that attacked my house last night.]


  1. shut up! seriously!?! is that pic of the actual house? i am glad that you are alright.

  2. Yeah, that's really the house. The roof apparently blew off and landed in the front yard. The gas that blew up the house was still on, so they had to just let it burn down until the gas company came out, dug a big ass hole with a backhoe and turned the gas off. A total loss for those poor folks, but at least they're all okay, except one fireman who got knocked off his feet by the explosion and hurt his knee. They seriously walked the family out of the house and it blew up a second later, like in the movies.

  3. That's a surprisingly well-composed photo of the house for being taken by one you while drunk. And that bear is gross. I need to see that movie.

  4. That photo was taken by the Austin American-Statesman. And I wasn't drunk, I was drinking. I mean knitting. I mean drinking. But not drunk. And yes, that bear is gross and you need to see that movie. It also has a gigantic tadpole, but you'll miss it if you blink.
