Monday, January 26, 2009

Worst Post Ever

I finally have internet at home again. But I'm feeling pretty crappy today, so I'm not gonna post anything hilarious this evening. Sorry. Hopefully I'll have something up tomorrow before noon. Until then, enjoy this picture of my sinus.

Well, it's not literally a picture of my sinus. It's a picture of a sculpture of my sinus I paid a guy to make for me. I had to pose nude for about 6 hours, but I think it was worth it.

Anyway, imagine that sinus, but shoved inside my head and completely filled with snot and rage. That's how I feel. So now I will go blow my nose for the jillionth time and lay down and watch some Dungeons and Dragons cartoons.

1 comment:

  1. I feel ya on the snot and rage filled sinuses. It blows. I would give anything to breathe out of my nose again. Get well soon sweetcakes so you can blog again.
