Thursday, April 9, 2009

Iron Giant Awesomeness

[it looks slightly better if you click it]
Hey lookie I got a scanner now. I got the idea for this picture while I was at work today. I wish I had some paint and knew how to paint, because I'd totally make a big painting of this. If I were a better artist, I would have made the battleship look like a real battleship and added a little town around his feet and some tanks and shit, but I'm not a better artist, so be happy with what you got. I do like it though, so hopefully someday I'll redo it and make it look way better. This was just a quick sketch. If you don't know what famous picture I'm referencing with this drawing, it won't seem nearly as clever or awesome as it actually is. And probably still won't once you see the original. Anyway, I was going to do more work on it with Photoshop or Illustrator, but since I barely know how to open those programs, much less use them, I decided coloring and other advanced techniques will have to wait for another day. Maybe tomorrow?


  1. youv'e got to stop with this "i'm a crap artist" stuff. That is FUCKING AMAZING. Just solid colors in photoshop on that would look incredible. You should email Avery and ask her for a how-to. Or I have a Photoshop for dummies book I could give you. Looks great.

  2. Thanks! I actually wouldn't mind borrowing that book some time. I am a dummy and would like to learn Photoshop. I would try to color this one, but it's a tiny drawing on yellow scratch paper. I need to redo it much larger one of these days.
