Thursday, April 16, 2009

Insanity And Death Lurk In Those Eyes


If you haven't been to Picture Is Unrelated, go now. I only wish they posted more pictures per day.

This reminds me of the time I saw the incredible Hulk at JC Penny's when I was about 5. He was walking around, not just sitting in a chair like how those things usually work. I was all excited and then he got halfway close to me and I just burst into fucking tears and about shit my pants. Not my proudest moment.

I'm also reminded of when I sat in Spiderman's lap to pose for a picture around the same age. I noticed a hole in his cheap outfit and thought to myself, "This guy ain't Spiderman." That was the day my innocence shattered and I never believed in anything ever again. Fake Spiderman ruined my life.

I wish still had the pictures. Maybe the Internet has them.

I never got my picture taken with Santa. Even in preschool that guy set off my bullshit detector immediately. And possibly my gaydar.

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