Tuesday, March 3, 2009

On Deep Roy

Gordeep Roy, AKA Deep Roy, 4'4". You remember this wacky little guy from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, he played all the Oompa Loompas. Deep Roy was born in Nairobi, Kenya and is apparently a "blue blood" descendant of Majarajah Vinepal, 26 generations removed. Whatever that means. Anyway, he moved to England at some point and started out as a stand-up comic, but soon enough Hollywood kicked down his door and said "Hey tiny person, want to be a star?" To which Deep Roy replied, "Fuck yes!"

This is Teeny Weeny, the Racing Snail rider from The Neverending Story. He was talking to that hairy guy who rode the sleepy bat and he was all like, "Check out the Rock Biter" and then the Rock Biter ate a rock and almost killed everyone. That part ruled.

This is Droopy McCool. He played the space-flute in the Max Rebo Band in Jabba the Hutt's palace. He also has one of the stupider names in the Star Wars universe, which is really saying something. And I guess they ran out of costumes by the time they got to Droopy. Brown boxers? That's a fashion faux pas if I've ever seen one.
He also played an Ewok and was R2-D2 in The Empire Strikes Back during a scene with Yoda on Dagobah. I wonder if Deep Roy and Yoda hung out together after work. Yoda seems like he's probably a pretty cool guy in real life.

Aww, what a pretty monkey. Actually, that's Deep Roy as Thade's niece in the nearly unwatchable Planet of the Apes remake. I barely remember what went on in that movie, as I saw it only once and spent most of that time swearing and shaking my fist at my TV, as if my TV were somehow to blame. But, just in case, I threw my TV in a dumpster later that evening. You can never be too careful.

He also played this Gorilla Kid from that same horrible movie. Doesn't look like the make-up guy spent nearly as much time on Gorilla Kid as he/she did on Thade's niece. Probably racist.

Say hello to Mr. Soggybottom from Big Fish. I saw Big Fish one time. I don't really remember anything about it. Most writers of edutainment articles would actually research shit like this and watch everything they plan to include. I, on the other hand, am perfectly content slapping up a picture from a movie I don't remember and babbling about nothing for a paragraph just to up my word count. Anyway, it's a cool looking costume. Maybe I should watch it again? Yeah, probably not. The title makes me think of Finding Nemo, which totally sucked it.

This is Fellini, Princess Aura's pet from Flash Gordon. He didn't do a whole lot in this movie. Just kinda stood around and looked weird. Good job looking weird, Fellini. A+.

Couldn't find a picture, but Deep Roy played Zammis, Dennis Quaid and Louis Gosset Jr.'s crazy space-lizard baby in Enemy Mine. IMDB only lists the kid who played Teen Zammis, who also went on to play Teen Jem'Hadar on Deep Space Nine oddly. But, I promise Deep Roy totally played Tween Zammis. It seems IMDB isn't as smart as it thinks it is. And it's probably racist.

Deep Roy was Tin Man in Return To Oz, with that creepy girl who looks all cracked out now that she's grown up and her skin was all gross looking in the Island of Dr. Moreau remake.

Here he plays Mr. Sin, apparently some kind of evil puppet in the Dr. Who episode, The Talons of Weng-Chiang. Check out what wikipedia has to say about Mr. Sin:
"Originally known as the Peking Homunculus, it is a cyborg from the 51st century that has the cerebral cortex of a pig. Designed as a toy, it almost causes World War Six when its organic parts assert themselves and it kills the Commissioner of the Icelandic Alliance and his family. It later accompanies Magnus Greel when he escapes to the 19th century. Its love of slaughter and hatred of mankind eventually lead it to betray Greel, after which it is deactivated by the Doctor when he disconnects the circuitry in its back."
Awesome! As a child, I always wanted to be a 51st century cyborg with the cerebral cortex of a pig when I grew up.

I never saw this movie, but that's a great picture.

He was also in The Dark Crystal, but I have no idea what character he played. Aside from all his great roles in movies, Deep Roy is also an accomplished stunt man! No shit. He mostly does the stunts for children in movies, as he is child sized but not afraid of danger. He even did a few Leprechaun stunts in Leprechaun!

Deep Roy. Super awesome tiny man. I would like to low-five him. And carry him around in my backpack.

[If you want to learn more about Deep Roy, or hire him, or send him love letters, or see actual pictures of him with his Zammis make-up on, check out his official website.]


  1. I like that he apparently has no problem playing anything-- boy, girl, robot, alien, whathaveyou.
    And I am impressed that you found that many pictures of him...or that you even knew who he was...I've never heard of him before now...then again, I am probably racist.

  2. Ever since Teeny Weeny first shouted, "Tally ho!" I was a fan. Although I never knew the guy's name or that he had done so much awesome stuff until Charlie and the Chocolate Factory came out. Now I wish he was in every movie.

  3. I can't believe you showed a picture, but didn't comment on that X-Files episode. It's one of the best ever, he hitched a ride to the states in the bowels of a business man!

  4. Whoa! I knew that pic was from X-files, but I've never seen the epsiode, so I decided not to comment on it. In a business man's bowels, eh? I can think of worse ways to travel.

  5. Just met him last weekend for the first time. He was GREAT!
