Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Worst Blog Ever? Maybe!

Looks like it's going to be another lame week here at Imminent Doom. I have band practice tonight and a show at Beerland tomorrow night with Black Panda, and another band practice thursday night. It's also been retarded busy at work the last two weeks, so I haven't had much time to worry about writing witty movie reviews that nobody will ever read. Hopefully it will start slowing down at work over this week and next week I'll get back to whatever it is that I do.

In other news, today is St. Patrick's Day. Band practice is over around 9pm. If anyone wants to pound beers between 9pm and 11pm, give me a call.

Also, I still have not seen Watchmen. Because some of you are jerkholes who don't call people back even though you promise you will call people back. I know this is pretty passive-aggressive putting it on my blog, but if I called you, you wouldn't answer your phone anyway and I would be too annoyed to leave a message. So I'm putting it here.

Actually, now that I think about it, if you want to drink beers tonight, don't give me a call. Because the call will be a lie. If you want to drink beers tonight, just show up at my house. That way I won't have to sit around and wait all night for someone who isn't coming.

P.S. Be sure to mark April 5th on your calendars. It is the night all 3 of my bands will be playing Beerland, including the debut of Scourge of the Millipede. It will be mindshattering.

1 comment:

  1. I've already seen Watchmen and have drunk many beers tonight (I'm actually Irish) But if I didn't live a million miles away from you... and actually knew you, I'd call you up for both. (and follow through) - W
